The Augustine Institute is a Catholic educational apostolate and accredited graduate college offering master’s programs in Catholic theology.

Your support helps us create and bring faithful content to Catholics worldwide through the following platforms and programs:

  • Graduate School of Theology: The leading Catholic Master’s program in theology, training disciples on the front lines of the New Evangelization.
  • FORMED: The best Catholic content platform that hosts thousands of movies, children’s programs, eBooks, audio, parish programs and studies on demand to help parishes, families, and individuals to explore their faith anywhere.
  • Award-Winning Films: Our team of creative storytellers who craft captivating cinematic experiences to reach hearts and minds with the light and beauty of Jesus Christ; winner of twelve Telly Awards.
  • Books and Audio Talks: Books, Bible publications, and audio talks designed to reclaim a faithful orthodoxy, help Catholics to engage with exceptional content, and transform the world for Christ.
  • Curriculum: Formation for the future of our Church through sacramental prep and K-8 curriculum for schools and parishes.

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